Are you ready to ditch the stress, overwhelm, and take back your life?

I bet you're feeling  pretty shitty. 
Tell me,  are you sick of...

  • Feeling completely exhausted, like every little thing you do requires a Herculean effort
  • Feeling totally drained, unable to cope, tired and cranky no matter how many hours of sleep you get
  • Snapping at your loved ones unexpectedly, with mood swings coming out of nowhere
  • Feeling like you’re constantly flooded with adrenaline, unable to relax and unwind, like you’ve got 50 million tabs open in your brain
  • Struggling to concentrate, lacking in creativity and productivity, no matter how hard you try to focus
  • Feeling like you’re treading water, barely keeping your head above the surface with no end in sight…

You probably feel like you've tried it all 
when it comes to Burnout like...

  • Sleep longer
  • Take Supplements
  • Get blood tests done, only to be told there's nothing wrong
  • Say positive affirmations
  • Ignore the messy house, yeah right
  • Try to meditate and be present
  • Fake a smile even when inside you feel like your crying
Nothing has worked,
I know because none of this stuff worked for me either.

You can go from Burnt Out to Blissed out!
Imagine what it would feel like to... 
  • Wake up feeling well full of energy and excited about the day ahead again
  • Feel completely in control of your day, workload and your stress levels
  • Thrive in your relationships both in your personal and professional life
  • Show up as your best self daily with maximum productivity and fulfillment
  • Know what your boundaries are so you don't rinse and repeat.

LEARN HOW TO  have a life AGAIN...
One where you feel energised, want to engage and have fun!
Burnout Recovery Academy

A 6-week online course
Learn how to uncover the  habits and behaviours that got you here in the first place so you can get clear on what truly matters and design a life that you LOVE. Together, we’ll build you up with tools and strategies to make sure you never end up back in this burnout hellhole again!


Reveal - Let's dive into what the heck got you here in the first place, once we know what this is it'll be so much easier to change.

Clarity - We'll shine a light on all the things that are important to you. When we narrow our focus we can direct our time and energy to what really matters.

Redesign - Create a life you actually want to live, a life you love. When we operate from a place of love, it creates a state of ease and flow.

Self-Love - Develop new routines and habits that will support you to stay off Burnout Island for good. It's time to remind yourself how to have fun.

Tune  Up - Learn the hidden treasures of how to maintain a healthy mindset, and reduce stress and overwhelm.

Emerge - Walk away with an easy-to-implement plan that supports you to stay off Burnout Island and live your best fricken life!
Here’s what you can expect to get 
from the Burnout Recovery Academy

Burnout Recovery Academy

A 6-week online course
Learn how to uncover the  habits and behaviours that got you here in the first place so you can get clear on what truly matters and design a life that you LOVE. Together, we’ll build you up with tools and strategies to make sure you never end up back in this burnout hellhole again!

When you sign up you also get access to 


Eliminate Your Self-Sabotage Guide
We’ll get down to the nitty-gritty and identify exactly which habits and behaviours got you onto burnout island in the first place. Breaking you free from the clutches of burnout, unlocking a path to renewed energy and balance within your life.

We'll shine a light on all the things that are important to you. When we narrow our focus we can direct our time and energy to what really matters.

Bust your Procrastination (PDF & Audio)
Do you find yourself on the avoidance train called Procrastination. You know there's stuff that needs doing, but you find yourself doing everything but what you should. Up your productivity and efficiency, while gaining focus to do what truly matters

Boundary Setting (Scripts)
Get comfortable with how to say 'No' and not feel guilt or shame about doing what's right for you. This will enable you to prioritise your own well-being, have healthy boundaries and make empowering choices that align with your needs and values.

How can you be sure  this course  will work for you?
I get it, I've been here and experienced this first hand.

  • First of all, trust me when I say this shiz works. In fact, I’m so sure, I offer a money-back guarantee
  • It has worked for other women just like you who were stuck in the darkest depths of burnout
  • This program is a powerful combination of self-directed learning modules and fortnightly live Q&A sessions with me (that’s more support that even my VIP coaching clients get!)
  • You’ll come away with real-life strategies to turn down the adrenalin and turn UP your mind functionality
  • I'm not just an experienced certified practitioner, I've experienced Burnout more times than I care to count and this is the exact process I used to recover from Burnout.

Burnout Recovery Academy


6  x  Weeks Online Course ($2987)    
3 x  Fortnightly Q&A Sessions ($997) 
8 x Weeks Access to Facebook Community ($199)  

🔥 Bonus #1 - Eliminate Self Sabotage (Guide $99)
🔥 Bonus #2 - 10-Minute Energy Booster (Video $99)
🔥 Bonus #3 - Bust Procrastination (Audio/Guide $199)
🔥 Bonus #4 - Boundary Setting (Scripts $199)

Total Value $4769
Today's Price $497
Payment Plan Available


  • Take back control of your life
  • Finally feel like yourself again, bursting with energy and joy
  • Actually sleep at night and wake up feeling truly rested
  • Understand the exact steps to stay off Burnout Island for GOOD
  • Back to loving life and living your dreams!
I Don't Have Time
In order to change, you need to be the change. This program (which costs the equivalent of buying two coffees each day for 3 months), is an investment in your future.

There’s also a payment option to spread the load over 3 fortnightly payments. This makes it more manageable.

I Can't Afford It
Why Should I Listen To You
I'm Hana. I'm a mum, wife, nana of two, and daughter.
It wasn't that long ago I was facing a similar situation that you are experiencing now.

I'm committed to supporting you to become the kick-ass woman you know you can be because for me it was life-changing.
I've always been a high achiever and well failure just doesn't exist in my vocab!

So there wasn't a hope in hell that I was going to out myself and admit to the fact that I wasn't coping. I was working 14+ hour days for months, not sleeping, fatigued, a bear with a sore head sniping at my family, and hating on life.

Not every coach has:
✔ Been to Burnout Island and has the qualifications plus real-life experience to pull you off it, and keep you off it.
✔ A tool kit of 30+ training methods and strategies
✔ Can spot the deepest BS and loving help you resolve it
✔ Got your back!

You can do this with my help. You're going to turn your life around and finally Love Life and Live your Dreams!

How Do I Know This Program Is For Me?
You've tried other stuff and it didn't work
You're done with the feeling crap and ready to change
✔ You're ready to take back control of your life
You know there's a better way, just not sure what it is
✔ Ready to fricken love life and live your dreams again

And why not! Just consider for a moment, if you don't do something what is your backup plan? Where will you be in another 1-6 months from now, if you take no action?

Do I Get Life Time Access
You will have access to the content in the course for a period of 12 months maximum.

You will have access to the Facebook Community for 8 weeks from the date the course commences.
What If I Can't Attend The Live Q&A Sessions?
Don't worry I've got you covered. All the lives will remain in the Facebook group so you can pop back in and watch them at a time that works for you.

If you have any questions you can post them before midday and I'll answer them in the Q&A session.

What If I Have Questions During This Cource?
Great question!

You'll be part of a Facebook Community where you can ask questions and not only get support from me and my team, but the entire community.
Do You Offer A Guarantee Period
It's simple if you purchase and decide the program is not for you, you have 14 days from the date of purchase to email for a refund.

We will refund you 100% no questions asked.

Need some peace of mind?

I know this works because it worked for me personally, and it's worked for my clients, so it will work for you!   

Guiding your burnout recovery to regain life balance is our commitment. We stand behind the effectiveness of our coaching programs so confidently that we offer a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied within the first 14 days of purchase. This ensures your peace of mind as you embark on your transformative journey. 

Burnout Recovery Academy


6  x  Weeks Online Course ($2987)    
3 x  Fortnightly Q&A Sessions ($997) 
8 x Weeks Access to Facebook Community ($199)  

🔥 Bonus #1 - Eliminate Self Sabotage (Guide $99)
🔥 Bonus #2 - 10-Minute Energy Booster (Video $99)
🔥 Bonus #3 - Bust Procrastination (Audio/Guide $199)
🔥 Bonus #4 - Boundary Setting (Scripts $199)

Total Value $4769
Today's Price $497
Payment Plan Available