My Personal Weight Loss Journey

My Personal Weight Loss Journey
Today I thought I'd get up close and personal with you and share a little bit about my weight loss journey.

About 15 years ago, I experienced some trauma in my life. In my attempt to cope with the trauma I would put things in a little box and push them to one side, then pretend they didn't happen, because then I didn't have to deal with them. 

With this particular event though, I didn't have a choice. I had to deal with it and the overwhelming sense of emotions in created. I experienced sadness and hurt and humiliation and embarrassment and shame and guilt. A whole plethora of emotions, just bubbled up to the top.

And instead of seeking support to deal with those things, I tried to push them down, ignore them, but I couldn't really ignore them. So instead I started to “eat my emotions”. When I experienced sadness, I might eat a chocolate bar. When I experienced humiliation or guilt or shame, I might have a cake or a cookie. And though it's okay if you do that occasionally, I was doing it every single day.

So I went from a curvaceous size 12, to this plump round pudding size 22. 
It didn't happen overnight. It took months for me to go from size 12 to 22. And it was the most embarrassing time of my life when:
  • I hit size 22.
  • I found I couldn't shop in mainstream shops because the clothes just didn't fit me anymore.
  • I was dressing probably 10 to 15 years older than what I actually was.
  • I was embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to stop the behavior.
  • I became a classic binge eater.
I would have a pile of cookies, cakes, chocolate bars, and I would eat them all. And then I would feel nauseated. For most people when they get their full signal, they stop. But I didn't, I kept going.

I kept buying those foods, knowing that they weren't serving me. And I hid them in the cupboard, so that I could secretly eat them. Hiding food and eating in secret are big indicators that something needs to change. 

At size 22 and over 100kgs on a  5'2 frame, I was really a dumpling and I didn't feel great. I lacked energy. I was so embarrassed that I didn't like to go out and socialise anymore. 

My husband used to do the grocery shopping because I just didn't get any enjoyment out of it. He would buy me the things that I asked for because he loved me, but it wasn't helping my problem. And when he wanted to steer me in the right direction and say things like things like “hey babe, do you think it's a really good idea to eat that chocolate bar?”, I got stroppy and thought “I'll have two” because that gave me a false sense of control. But it only controlled me and it made my weight increase.
(My poor husband was trying to help me, but I took everything the wrong way. I wanted to be in control of me – but was failing miserably.)

I finally got to a point where I started to feel the pain of being overweight and I wanted to do something about it. So I tried and I tried diet, after diet, after diet. I went on weight loss programs that cost a lot of money. 

I never really pursued exercise as a key way to lose weight, mainly because I didn't enjoy exercise. In fact, I used to say, “I hate it”. 

So what did I do? The first thing that I did was, to reduce the amount of meals per day that I was consuming. I already knew that eating three meals a day was better than me grazing all day. And I also knew that 80% of my problem was what I was consuming and putting in my mouth and that had to stop. 

So I started to become aware of the foods that I was eating. And I started to slow down on those foods. So where I used to eat two bars, I dropped it down to one bar and then I dropped it down to half a bar, zero bars. I weaned myself off those foods over a period of time. So over a space of 18 months, I lost more than 30 kilos. And I predominantly did that by the things that I ate. I'm not a fan of depriving myself of different food types. I'm about balance and what works for my body, nobody else's body. 

Next I introduced exercise. Honestly a year ago, I couldn't even do five minutes on a cross trainer. I remember talking to a fitness coach I'd hired , crying down the phone to him saying “this is ridiculous. It takes me more freaking time to put my clothes on and take them off to get on a machine that I can't even do five minutes”. And he said to me, “Hana, five minutes is better than no minutes. You've got to start somewhere hun”.

Today I can do 45 minutes on that cross trainer because I’ve added a little more time each day. And now I have to say, I actually really enjoy exercise. I love how it makes my body feel. I love that it gives me more energy and I feel less stress. 
Why am I sharing my story with you? Because I spent heaps of time, thousands of dollars on my weight loss journey – but you don’t need to do the same.

Many people try different diets and programs but each one comes at a cost. You can continue to yoyo, so your weight goes up and down continually, never settling and staying at a healthy point.  But the smarter way that I have found to do it successfully is with hypnosis.
I facilitate Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band program. That's where you believe that we've put a band around your tummy and we've shrunk your tummy. So you can no longer eat as much food as you used to eat. 

I also do another weight loss program where we deal with the emotions that actually got you to where you are. We deal with the root cause of the issue. And then I educate you to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. Either way works to lose weight.

It's all about what got you to where you are. And that isn't going to get you to where you want to be! You have to do something different. That's why I trained to learn Sheila Granger's weight loss technique to help you get to where you want to be in a faster, easier, effortless way.
  • You don't have to spend thousands.
  • You don't have to eat certain types of foods and
  • You don't have to do hardcore exercise.
  • Everything is about moderation.
Sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between. The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level or a professional woman who needs help, take your next step forward. If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn

Coronavirus - Coping With The Chaos & How To Manage Uncertainty in Uncertain Times

Coronavirus - Coping With The Chaos  & How To Manage Uncertainty in Uncertain Times
The world is in the grip of a global pandemic.
We are living in extremely uncertain times - and that uncertainty can be difficult to cope with.

You may feel worried right now.

You may struggle to keep anxious thoughts in check.

And you may feel unsure about the future.

But help is at hand - you CAN learn to live with uncertainty.

Facing Uncertainty is Scarier than Facing Physical Pain
In 2016, a group of London researchers explored how people react to being told they will either "definitely" or "probably" receive a painful electric shock. They discovered an intriguing paradox.

Volunteers who knew they would definitely receive a painful electric shock felt calmer and were measurably less agitated than those who were told they only had a 50 percent chance of receiving the electric shock.

A new study shows that the uncertainty of something bad happening can be more stressful than the knowledge of something bad happening.

Researchers recruited 45 volunteers to play a computer game in which they turned over digital rocks that might have snakes hiding underneath.

Throughout the game, they had to guess whether each rock concealed a snake. When a snake appeared, they received a mild but painful electric shock on the hand.

Over the course of the game they got better about predicting under which rocks they’d find snakes, but the game was designed to keep changing the odds of success to maintain ongoing uncertainty.

And when we’re facing outcomes imbued with uncertainty, it’s the fact that something bad might happen that “gets” us.

The volunteers’ level of uncertainty correlated to their level of stress. So, if someone felt “certain” he or she would find a snake, stress levels were significantly lower than if they felt that maybe they would find a snake. In both cases, they’d get a shock, but their stress was loaded with added uncertainty.

Archy de Berker from the UCL Institute of Neurology said: "Our experiment allows us to draw conclusions about the effect of uncertainty on stress. It turns out that it's much worse not knowing you are going to get a shock than knowing you definitely will or won’t.”

Uncertainty Ignites our Primitive Survival Instinct

If we can’t neutralise a perceived threat, we engage in the unhelpful process called “worry”.

We grapple with whatever the problem is to find solutions to the threat, but there are none.

Does this make us feel better? No, of course, it doesn’t - it makes us feel worse.

In our need for certainty, we are wired to “catastrophise” - we view or talk of a situation as worse than it actually is. This leads to worry, which in turn leads to anxiety.

The modern brain struggles to distinguish between a real threat and perceived threat.

The result is that the primitive brain takes over and triggers the primitive survival instinct - fight-or-flight.

It asks questions:
What is going to happen...? What is around the corner for me...?
Should I be doing less...?
Should I be doing more...?
What if my business is threatened...? What if my livelihood is threatened...?
What if my life is threatened...?

The lack of answers can lead to:
  • Anger
  • Aggression
  • Frustration
What Can we do to Mitigate Uncertainty?
There are a number of things we can do to lessen the effects of uncertainty:
  • Awareness is your superpower - be aware of your feelings and emotions
  • Notice the “worry story” you are telling yourself - try to distance yourself from it
  • Focus on breathing - long slow breaths
  • Recognise the need to rise above fight-or-flight
    • Accept uncertainty - allow yourself to stop the struggle
Stand up to Anxiety with Some Mood-Boosters
  • Exercise and movement
  • Meditation, self-hypnosis
  • Achievement-oriented activity
  • Something pleasant or fun
Sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between. The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level or a professional woman who needs help, take your next step forward. If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn



Self-esteem is an area that can affect so many different areas of an individual life.

In a 2017 research in the UK by Dove, it was found that 61% of 10-17 year old girls in the UK have low self-esteem

From sports professionals to teenagers, weight issues to addictions, self- esteem can lie beneath many of the issues that I work with as a hypnotherapist.
We all have times when we lack confidence and do not feel good about ourselves.

But when low self-esteem becomes a long-term problem, it can have a harmful effect on our mental health and our day-to-day lives.

Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves.
Self-esteem is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Synonyms or near-synonyms of self-esteem include: self-worth, self-regard,
self-respect, and self-integrity.

When we have healthy self-esteem, we tend to feel positive about ourselves and about life in general. It makes us better able to deal with life's ups and downs.
When our self-esteem is low, we tend to see ourselves and our life in a more negative and critical light.

We also feel less able to take on the challenges that life throws at us.

I have seen it perhaps most frequently in the teenagers of today, whether that is due to the impact of social media, or differing parenting skills and upbringings; I have seen at first hand how that sense of self-worth can change everything.

Some of the signs of low self-esteem can be
  • Sensitivity to criticism
  • Social withdrawal
  • Hostility
  • Excessive preoccupation with personal problems
  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia and headaches
Low self-esteem is a self-fulling prophecy. Hypnosis can help!
Hypnotherapy focuses on:
  • Identifying negative talk
  • Connections with loving people
  • Learning to be assertive
  • Setting a challenge
  • Focusing on the positives
Hypnosis is entirely collaborative and begins with a conversation to establish your goals. Only when we have decided on the correct course, will the hypnosis begin.

It will identify those areas and aspects affected most and will improve coping abilities, address past potential causes, and find renewed hope and positivity.

My Hypnosis for “Reclaiming Your Self-Esteem” program will enable you to re-focus and tap into your natural confidence - a confidence that you were actually born with!

Sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between. The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level or a professional woman who needs help, take your next step forward. If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn

Helping you Beat The Blues

For a number of people they have found it challenging being stuck inside their home for weeks on end.  A number of people are feeling exhausted from stress, lack of sleep and the thought of having to return to back to work.
I thought it would be good for people to have a virtual holiday before they fully get back into the hustle and bustle of life.  For those who had travel plans and have had to cancel them I get this is no consolation, however it could give you a boost of holiday cheer.
So I’m going to give you the best armchair holiday, right from the comfort of your own home.

Amid the despair and grief of this pandemic, it might seem silly to focus on holidays, but they undoubtedly play a huge part in our mental health and wellbeing. From the excitement of choosing a destination and accommodation, researching everything from sights to restaurants, to the actual week or fortnight itself followed by the recollection of treasured memories, holidays really do matter.

It’s about ‘life experiences’, relaxation, and most importantly, escapism from everyday life. The coping process of escapism is common to many people in difficult times, and by wanting to still book a holiday, we are actively engaging in escapism behaviour. Escape is key in our mental self-care, and it can be good to seek a happy escape when things seem impossible – that feeling of ‘I just need to get away’.

And of course, many forms of our regular escapisms, such as going out to the gym, bars and restaurants, have been taken away from us, increasing our desire to plan ahead for getaways once lockdown is lifted.
I’ve now created five free downloads to enable people to spirit their minds away to an amazing holiday destination and in doing so, take back a little of the relaxation and release they would have enjoyed had they actually been away.
At a time when we can’t guarantee a lengthier reprieve, something as simple as taking a ‘virtual holiday’ can offer a brief moment of escapism. This allows you an outlet for the stress we are facing, and the energy to re-engage with life in lockdown.
My free downloads are a form of self-hypnosis, and simply require you to sit down in a quiet and comfortable spot, close your eyes, listen to my words, visualise the holiday destination, and relax. I’ve chosen five types of holiday for the recordings – beach resort, mountains, safari, road trip, and Disney.

A travel agent in the UK believes there will be a number of key things holidaymakers will look for once the travel industry reopens for business. She said: “We’re expecting people will be seeking plenty of space and fresh air after being cooped up for so long – destinations such as New Zealand, Canada and America will be popular, especially for self-drive trips. Also, many people will feel like doing something completely different as an antidote to months of boredom, so an adventurous African safari might well appeal.
“Conversely, some families might want privacy to reconnect with each other after enduring being forced apart for such a long time. I think we will see idyllic islands like those in the Caribbean proving popular for multi- generational groups involving grandparents, parents and children all enjoying some quality time together, whereas couples might favour treating themselves to some luxury in the Maldives.”

She added: “We understand how essential it is for many people to have something to look forward to once we emerge on the other side of this terrible pandemic, and a holiday away from their lockdown base will be a real tonic.

If you need some support, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sessions are conducted via Zoom, allowing you to choose your surroundings—whether it's a private office, the couch, or anything in between. The key is that you feel comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner aiming to elevate your business or a professional woman seeking assistance, take your next step forward. If you feel you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn
Sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between. The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level or a professional woman who needs help, take your next step forward. If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn

Fix Sleep Issues with Hypnosis

Fix Sleep Issues with Hypnosis
The current pandemic has certainly changed the we live our everyday lives.
It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep - sleep becomes more elusive when we are anxious.
Many people are suffering sleep issues for the first time in their lives:
  • awake for long periods
  • unable to fall asleep at all
  • wake up several times during the night
  • more intense and emotional dreams
  • tired and groggy the next morning
  • find it difficult to concentrate or function properly
  • feel irritable
Having good sleep strategies will help you sleep well and can limit the negative effects of poor sleep.
Try these FIVE hints for calmer and better sleep.

1. Limit news intake and avoid your mobiles and tablets for at least an hour before bed
Do something to boost your mood before bed - a humorous television programme or an uplifting podcast can help you sleep

2. Have structure to your day
Our brains and bodies love structure. Wake, exercise, eat and sleep at similar times each day

3. Focus on your breathing
Think about resting rather than sleeping. Follow your breathing by silently whispering the words ‘in’ and ‘out’ to induce sleep.

4. Learn to relax
Relaxation can switch off the stress response, physically and mentally. Find something that works for you - mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing or a long hot bath.

5. If you can’t sleep - get out of bed

Your bed should not be a battleground. Instead, try to enjoy the sensation of merely resting.

Hypnosis can help many forms of sleep issues and insomnia.

If you are not sleeping well, and traditional treatments are not working, hypnosis may be able to help you sleep the way you deserve.
It uses different approaches to induce relaxation, such as focused attention, symptom control and guided imagery.
And, unlike sleep medications, it has no side effects, so it can be an aid for those who can’t or don’t want to take sleeping pills.
It can help overcome bedtime restlessness - ease the worry, tension and anxiety that prevent sleep - and can show the way to the deep, restorative sleep that we all need.

If you need extra support please reach out, all sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between.  The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

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