Burnout and the “Not Good Enough” Syndrome

Burnout and the “Not Good Enough” Syndrome
Feeling not good enough is something we have all experienced at some point in our lives. It’s the nagging thought that you aren’t quite measuring up, whether it be personally, professionally, or academically. For some of us, this feeling can be fleeting, while for others it lingers and begins to manifest itself in different ways—including workplace burnout. Let's explore how feeling not good enough can lead to burnout.

What is Burnout?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or frustration in an individual’s work environment. This could include excessive workloads, unrealistic deadlines, unclear job responsibilities, lack of support from colleagues and supervisors, a lack of recognition for achievements or contributions—and yes—the feeling of not being good enough.

Based on the clients I’ve seen Burnout is so much more than how WHO defines it.  It can often start at home due to pressures around finances, relationships, children, caring for elderly or those that are unwell.  Then the employee goes to work with lower levels of resilience and piles on a whole lot more pressure and before you know it they’re burnt out. 

Why Does Feeling Not Good Enough Lead to Burnout?

The underlying reason why feeling not good enough leads to burnout is because this sense of inadequacy can cause individuals to become overwhelmed and discouraged when faced with challenging tasks. The fear of failure often leads people to try and do more than their share of work in order to prove themselves worthy. This puts them on an unsustainable track that eventually leads to exhaustion and ineffective results due to poor-quality output. Managers need to be able to recognise if team members are exhibiting any signs of burnout so they can take proactive steps towards addressing the issue before it gets out of control.

Burnout has become a common problem in today’s workplaces as employees are pushed harder than ever before with little time for rest or relaxation. People who struggle with feeling not good enough tend to take on too much responsibility (particularly women) in an effort to prove their worthiness which can lead them down the path towards burnout faster than expected. Managers must be aware of this issue and take proactive steps towards preventing it from occurring within their teams by implementing healthier work practices such as better communication between employees and managers as well as providing more leeway for mistakes without harsh repercussions. If burnout does occur, then managers need to be prepared to provide support for those affected so that they can get back on track sooner than later. By doing so, companies will benefit from having more engaged employees who are better equipped to handle any challenges thrown their way.

If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook  Instagram or LinkedIn

My Dirty Little Secret To Achieve More In Less Time

My Dirty Little Secret To Achieve More In Less Time
Feel like a failure who never gets through the list of to-do’s each day?

I used to have a never-ending list of things to do in business and my personal life that created a high level of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. It felt like the list never got smaller, in fact, it continued to grow each day. At the end of each day when I would reflect on what I’d achieved, the list made it look like I hadn’t done much at all. Oh no, here comes those familiar feelings and thoughts of failure and not being good enough.

One of the reasons the list was continuously growing is because I was so… busy (debatable, it’s all about our perspective) that I couldn’t trust or rely on my memory to capture all the things to do. I was operating from a place of “what if I forget to do something important”, and because of this type of thinking I felt the need to capture absolutely everything. All this did was weigh me down and create more anxiety, stress, and worry, along with me questioning myself about “how the h#ll am I going to get all of this done”. I’m exhausted just by looking at the list.

Over the years like many people, I’ve completed training on time management, how to prioritise, delegate, and all that good stuff, however, none of it helped me achieve more or more importantly change how I was feeling. It just left me thinking about why I wasn’t coping, when I looked around me and everyone else (welcome comparisonitis) seemed to have their s#it together.

While I’m open to new possibilities and upgrading my inner technology (aka my thinking patterns) on my approach to living a fulfilled life, I couldn’t help wondering how much time it will take to learn and implement another new process and is it even going to work for me because my circumstances are unique. Honestly, I don’t have any time to spare for learning something else that isn’t going to work (queue head in hands shaking side to side). Then I remembered we always find time for the things that are important to us. So, I did it, I made it a priority, and got started.

Mmm, wondering what my dirty little secret is? I decided to get intentional about how I choose to show up in my life, and what actual activities will receive my time, effort, and attention today. I know it sounds like prioritising right, but there’s more to it, keep reading!

Deciding on what tasks to action is a step in the process, but there are a few more steps to ensure you operate from a place of alignment, and it only takes me 5–10 minutes to complete and the difference in how it makes me feel is massive.

My alarm goes off, and without snoozing it I meditate for 10–15 minutes. Then I open a google sheet and review how my day is going to play out by asking myself a series of questions similar to below:
· What am I grateful for today — always start with high vibes
· Check in with how I want to feel today e.g., calm, focused, energised, etc
· By operating from this á place what will this allow me to do
· What does my mind, body, and soul need from me today — trust me I ask these questions and things pop into my head; you just need to trust you have the answers within you because you do even when it doesn’t feel like it
· What are my key rocks (ideally x 3) today — those 3 things that must get done, anything else is a bonus right! Your key rocks will be activities that align with your high-level goals in your career, health, relationships, finances, etc
· If there was one thing, I could gift myself today to make my day awesome what would that be e.g., a takeaway coffee, 5 mins to step outside and breathe in the fresh air, kids outsourced!

I then create a movie in my head of how my day is going to play out, how I’m going to show up, the habits and behaviours I will exhibit to bust through my rocks and get the shiz done! As the movie plays most importantly, I connect with my body and experience how it feels to be me moving through another fantastic day. This step is so important because you are priming your brain to operate in a way that works for you. Your brain can’t differentiate between what is real or imagined, when you navigate your day conceptually, your brain will respond as if you’ve already achieved your desired outcomes and been the person you want to be. How easy and cool is this!

Before closing my peepers at night, no matter how tired I am, I finish my day by reflecting on the awesomeness I have accomplished.

Being intentional is my secret sauce because its’:
· Enabled me to be focused on the things that truly matter and move me closer to my goals
· Consciously operate in a way that supports my health and well-being, plus kick my goals
· Quietened down the imposter monster
· Made me realise and appreciate how much I do achieve in a day
· Shaped how I’m playing my own game of life, so there is no one to compare to anymore

I really want you to love your life and operate with more ease and flow. All you have to do is start being intentional about your mind, body, and soul each day to have a great day.

If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook  Instagram or LinkedIn

Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Women

Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Women
Unlocking Resilience: Neurobiological Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Woman
Hello, my fellow corporate warriors! 💼 Today is all about conquering the corporate battleground with clever neuroscience hacks. Stress is a bit like that coffee stain on your white shirt - a nuisance, yes, but with a little bit of know-how, you can make it vanish. Let's learn how to turn stress from a fierce enemy into a powerful ally for resilience and growth. 🚀

Picture this: it's another day in the corporate jungle 🌆. Deadlines are roaring louder than a lion, and that inbox is relentless. Stress seems as normal as your morning latte, doesn't it? But we're not just here to survive—we're here to thrive. And that means getting to know the sneaky science behind stress to tackle it head-on. Grab your notebooks 'cause I'm about to share three no-nonsense tips to keep stress well and truly in its place.

Tip #1: Rhythmic Movement - The Cerebellum's Dance
First up, let's cha-cha our way to the cerebellum, the bit of your brain that's all about coordination. But hey, it's not just about nailing your steps on the dance floor. Recent brainy insights show it's also playing tunes with our emotions and thoughts. Get into the groove with some rhythmic movement, like a brisk walk or shaking it out to your favourite jam, and you'll be conducting your brain's orchestra to a new beat of calm and control.

Quick Fix: Why not shimmy away stress with a little movement break? March in place before that Zoom call or do a happy dance after sending that report. Trust me, your brain will thank you for the symphony of serenity. 🎶

Tip #2: Social Connectivity - The Oxytocin Effect
Moving on to tip two - let's talk oxytocin. Nope, it's not a new skincare product, it's the 'cuddle hormone' that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's like social glue in the workplace, making those connections stick. Have a giggle with a coworker or a heartfelt catch-up over lunch, and you're not just building bridges - you're constructing a fortress against stress.

Quick Fix: Make an effort to spark joy in your work relationships. A quick "How's your day?" or a coffee run with the team can be the secret sauce to creating that oxytocin armor. 💪

Tip #3: Cognitive Reframing - The Prefrontal Cortex's Perspective
Last but not least, let's chat about the prefrontal cortex - the CEO of your brain. It's all about managing those thought patterns. With cognitive reframing, we get to switch up the narrative. See those stress monsters as exciting challenges, and all of a sudden, your brain's putting on a power suit and taking charge like a boss.

Quick Fix: Next time stress knocks on your door, hit pause and flip the script. Challenge yourself with, "What's the silver lining here?" or "How is this going to make me even more awesome?" Flip that mindset and watch as you turn stress into your stepping stone to success. 🌉
And there you have it, folks. Navigating corporate seas doesn't have to feel like you're up the creek without a paddle. With a bit of neuroscience wisdom up your sleeve, you're ready to handle stress and harness it for your personal growth and resilience. Brain training isn't just a buzzword; it's your secret weapon to thrive in a demanding world. So, if you're ready to embark on this life-changing voyage of brain training, consider this the start of something extraordinary. ✨
Sessions take place via zoom, so you can choose your surroundings, from a private office to the couch or anything in between. The most important thing is that you are comfortable, warm, hydrated, and relaxed to get the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level or a professional woman who needs help, take your next step forward. If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn

Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Women

Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Women
Unlocking Resilience: Neurobiological Keys to Stress Management for the Corporate Woman

Hello, my fellow corporate warriors! 💼 Today is all about conquering the corporate battleground with clever neuroscience hacks. Stress is a bit like that coffee stain on your white shirt - a nuisance, yes, but with a little bit of know-how, you can make it vanish. Let's learn how to turn stress from a fierce enemy into a powerful ally for resilience and growth. 🚀

Picture this: it's another day in the corporate jungle 🌆. Deadlines are roaring louder than a lion, and that inbox is relentless. Stress seems as normal as your morning latte, doesn't it? But we're not just here to survive—we're here to thrive. And that means getting to know the sneaky science behind stress to tackle it head-on. Grab your notebooks 'cause I'm about to share three no-nonsense tips to keep stress well and truly in its place.

Tip #1: Rhythmic Movement - The Cerebellum's Dance
First up, let's cha-cha our way to the cerebellum, the bit of your brain that's all about coordination. But hey, it's not just about nailing your steps on the dance floor. Recent brainy insights show it's also playing tunes with our emotions and thoughts. Get into the groove with some rhythmic movement, like a brisk walk or shaking it out to your favourite jam, and you'll be conducting your brain's orchestra to a new beat of calm and control.

Quick Fix: Why not shimmy away stress with a little movement break? March in place before that Zoom call or do a happy dance after sending that report. Trust me, your brain will thank you for the symphony of serenity. 🎶

Tip #2: Social Connectivity - The Oxytocin Effect
Moving on to tip two - let's talk oxytocin. Nope, it's not a new skincare product, it's the 'cuddle hormone' that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's like social glue in the workplace, making those connections stick. Have a giggle with a coworker or a heartfelt catch-up over lunch, and you're not just building bridges - you're constructing a fortress against stress.

Quick Fix: Make an effort to spark joy in your work relationships. A quick "How's your day?" or a coffee run with the team can be the secret sauce to creating that oxytocin armor. 💪

Tip #3: Cognitive Reframing - The Prefrontal Cortex's Perspective
Last but not least, let's chat about the prefrontal cortex - the CEO of your brain. It's all about managing those thought patterns. With cognitive reframing, we get to switch up the narrative. See those stress monsters as exciting challenges, and all of a sudden, your brain's putting on a power suit and taking charge like a boss.

Quick Fix: Next time stress knocks on your door, hit pause and flip the script. Challenge yourself with, "What's the silver lining here?" or "How is this going to make me even more awesome?" Flip that mindset and watch as you turn stress into your stepping stone to success. 🌉

And there you have it, folks. Navigating corporate seas doesn't have to feel like you're up the creek without a paddle. With a bit of neuroscience wisdom up your sleeve, you're ready to handle stress and harness it for your personal growth and resilience. Brain training isn't just a buzzword; it's your secret weapon to thrive in a demanding world. So, if you're ready to embark on this life-changing voyage of brain training, consider this the start of something extraordinary. ✨

Remember to follow my socials for more insights and tips on transforming your professional journey. If you're all about making waves in the corporate world while keeping cool, you're in the right place. Until next time, keep shining bright! 😊

If you feel you need more support, book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook  Instagram or LinkedIn

Taking A Break Is Not Lazy – It's Necessary!

Taking A Break Is Not Lazy – It's Necessary!
We’ve all heard the saying that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” but how often do we actually heed this advice? The popular belief is that taking a break from work is lazy, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, taking breaks can be incredibly beneficial for both you and your team. Wanna know why taking a break isn’t lazy – it’s necessary – great, keep reading!

Boost Productivity & Efficiency

It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually improve productivity in the workplace. A study conducted by Microsoft found that employees who took regular breaks were more productive than those who worked diligently without stopping. This isn’t surprising when you consider the fact that working nonstop can make us feel overwhelmed and exhausted, which leads to decreased focus and efficiency. Taking regular breaks allows us to step away from our tasks and come back with newfound energy and enthusiasm.

Enhance Creativity & Problem-Solving Skills

When we take a break, we give our minds time to relax and reset. This can be extremely helpful in creative fields where problem-solving skills are essential. Taking time away from the task at hand gives our brains time to process information at its own pace, often leading to innovative solutions or approaches that wouldn't have been discovered without some down time. Furthermore, activities such as walking or listening to music during breaks can help generate new ideas or inspire out of the box thinking.

Reduce Stress & Improve Morale

Burnout is real and it can have serious consequences on both your personal wellbeing and your team’s morale. According to Mayo Clinic, stress can lead to physical issues such as headaches, fatigue, chest pain and stomach problems. Being able to take regular breaks helps reduce stress levels by allowing us to step away from our tasks for a moment so that we don't become overwhelmed with all of our responsibilities at once. Moreover, encouraging employees to take short breaks throughout the day will keep them refreshed and energized while reinforcing their sense of autonomy over their workloads which helps boost morale in the long run!

All in all, taking regular breaks should not be seen as lazy – it's essential for employee productivity, creativity and morale! I strongly encourage managers to create an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable stepping away from their desks periodically throughout the day in order to reset their brains and come back feeling energized and inspired.  In fact I recommend managers actually role model the behaviour they want from their team members.  After all, if you want your team members firing on all cylinders then giving them permission (and encouragement!) to take occasional breaks is an absolute must!

If you feel like you need extra support in making these changes, don't hesitate to reach out. Book in a time to chat with Hana or follow her on: Facebook  Instagram or LinkedIn

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