What does Hypnosis feel like?
Everyone experiences hypnosis so differently, it's kinda like:
  • when you've had a long day and finally get to sink into your favourite chair
  • when you're so chill that you feel like you're floating on a cloud
  • when you're just super comfy and relaxed, eyes closed as you take in all the sounds around you.
Basically, you’re gonna feel amazing!  And that amazing feeling is what’s gonna help you make those changes you’re looking for, with a little help from yours truly.  So let’s get ready to feel like a floating, comfy, relaxed Rockstar, and make those changes happen.

Is Hypnosis safe?
Well, well, well!  It turns out that we’re all natural-born hypnotists!

I mean, have you ever been so lost in a movie or Netflix binge that you forgot to pee?  Perhaps you’ve driven to work on autopilot and ended up at the beach?  Yup, that’s hypnosis, baby!

And the best part is that you’re still in charge, unlike when you’re three shots of tequila deep at the pub.

But if you really want to unlock your inner hypno-powers, you gotta call in the pros – certified hypnosis specialists!  They’ll help you harness your hypno-swag and achieve all those wild dreams you never thought were possible.  Trust me, it’s like unleashing the Hulk… but with less smashing and more success.

Can I even be hypnotised?
Heck yeah, you can!

And guess what?  You don’t even need a pocket watch or a swinging pendulum.  Turns out, you’re already a pro at hypnosis!

I mean, have you ever spaced out in a meeting and started daydreaming about your next beach vacation?  Or cried your eyes out during the ending of a rom-com?  Congratulations, you just entered the hypnotic zone!

But don’t feel bad if you didn’t know, most people go through life sleep walking with their eyes open and don’t even realise it.  It’s like being a secret agent, but instead of saving the world, you’re just lost in your own thoughts.

What are NLP processes?
NLP techniques are like a superhero team that can help you achieve your wildest goals by changing the way you think, believe and behave.  We’re talking visualisation, reframing, anchoring, and modelling – it’s like a mental makeover that’ll leave you feeling like Beyonce getting her groove on!
And the best part?  You don’t need a phone booth to make the transformation – NLP processes are use in therapy, coaching, and personal development to help you overcome your fears, trauma, boost your communication skills to unlock your full potential.  It’s like a personal development party, and you’re invited!
So don’t wait – let NLP processes help you become the best version of yourself.  It’s time to unleash your inner superhero and conquer the world!
Will I cluck like a chicken or do stupid things?
Alright, let’s get real here.  Will you cluck like a chicken under hypnosis?  Only if you secretly have a lifelong dream of being a poultry impersonator!

I know, I know you’ve seen those stage shows where peeps wander about squawking, and you’re wondering if you’re going to embarrass yourself.  But let me tell you, that’s just for shits (aka laughs) and giggles.

When it comes to hypnosis for making actual changes, there’s no need to worry about sprouting feathers or laying eggs.  We’re not in the business of poultry farming here.  I’m all about guiding you to make the transformation you want.

How long does it take before I see results?
Hypnosis taps into your brain’s superpower to absorb new skills, strengths, and strategies at lightning speed.

That’s why you can transform than a superhero in a phone booth after just a few sessions.

But let’s be real, sometimes it’s not as easy as flipping a switch.  We might need to peel back some layers, like an onion (minus the stink tears), to uncover the root of the issue and make some serious progress. But fear not, I’ll be your trusty sidekick on this onion peeling adventure.

Will I be sleeping doing hypnosis?
Okay, listen up, because this is important.  During hypnosis, you won’t be snoozing like a bear in hibernation.  But hold on to your hats, because you’re in for a ride.

We’re talking about relaxation so deep, you’ll feel like you just spend a week on a tropical island with a never-ending supply of pina coladas.  Seriously, it’ll be like floating on a cloud made of marshmellows.  So buckle up and get ready to chill like sleeping beauty, only you’re not asleep just relaxing.

What’s the difference between hypnosis and NLP?
So you’ve dropped by to see the difference between these two powerhouse techniques for personal development and therapy.

Hypnosis is all about putting you in a deep relaxed state to access your innermost thoughts (not scary at all!) and create positive change.  It’s like taking a mental spa day, but with real results for issues like anxiety, smoking and weight loss.

On the other hand, NLP is all about how language and behaviour patterns shape our view of the world.  It’s like a mental wardrobe makeover, where we identify and change negative thought patterns to promote personal growth and success.

So, if you’re looking for a mental boost, hypnosis and NLP are the dynamic duo you’ve been waiting for!

What if I just want to be coached without the woo?
It’s ok I can do vanilla!  Mainstream coaching is like the practical, no-nonsense cousin of hypnotherapy and NLP (which I call Neapolitan).  Instead of relying on mystical vibes, it uses evidence based methods to help you achieve your goals.

And the best part?  It’s backed by science (so are the others, just saying!), so you know it works!  No crystal balls or incense required.

Vanilla coaching can help you improve everything from your communication skills to your confidence and productivity.  It’s like having a personal cheerleader to guide you towards success.

Sure, it may not have the same “woo” factor as other methods, but it gets the job done.  So, if you’re looking to level up in your personal or professional life, coaching is the way to go.

What if you don’t have listed what I want to work on?
Oh no, do you feel like the odd one out?  Don’t worry we won’t hold it against you if you don’t see your particular issues on our list of services.  There’ll be a reason for this, especially when it comes to hypnosis as there’s more than 1001+ ways I can resolve an issue.

But fear not, my friend!  You can still book a call to chat about how I can help you.  I love a good chat, and who knows, maybe we’ll even discover a new issue to add to our list.

So, whether you’re feeling like a unicorn in a sea of horses, or just unsure where to turn, give me a call and let’s chat.   Who knows, we might just be the answer to what you’re looking for (or at least google searched!)

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